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FUNKY STONE & CRAFT CREATIONS – Thomaston Art Exhibition

Atlantic Farms Thomaston Maine 210 New County Rd, Thomaston

Funky Stone and Craft Creations - Showing 2/7 - 3/27 210 New County Rd. Thomaston, ME Carl Rhode and Eban Davis I have always been a hands-on kind of guy. [Read More...]

TAUK @ Oxbow in Portland!

Oxbow 49 Washington Ave, Portland

TAUK has been painting with sound for nearly a decade now, pushing boundaries and reinventing themselves every chance they get. Founded by Dolan, Jalbert, and Carter, who began playing together [Read More...]

Harbor Coastal Cannabis Pop Up in Portland 2/20!

Atlantic Farms 460 Warren Ave Portland, Portland

We’re celebrating our Friends at Harbor Coastal Cannabis! This Friday, enjoy 10% off all HCC loose flower and prerolls, as well as prepackaged Ounces for $140+ tax! Come meet the [Read More...]